Anyone who has already fasted, knows that. The skin appearance is significantly finer after several days of fasting and we look more refreshed and healthier.

By detoxifying the various organs, such as skin, kidneys, lungs, liver and tongue, we improve the function of cells and organs. The stoppage of digestion and the “nutrition from within” allows the body to reduce useless and pathological cell components and thus stimulate cell regeneration.

The organism is cleaned, the efficiency increases. We feel more vital. It’s a great experience to learn how positive resignation can be.

The mood is harmonized and the blood circulation is improved.

Therefore it is recommended to fast at least once a year for several days.

Check our dates if fasting and hiking in Spain sounds interesting to you.

For further advantages of fasting click here.


Photo by Eli Defaria on Unsplash

Categories: Benefits of Fasting

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